Piezoelectric Materials d33 Analyser

Fast, accurate and highly sensitive

Introducing our new Piezoelectric Tool for thin sheets, ceramics, polymers, composites

To complement our first 2022 product launch we are pleased to announce a metrology tool which can measure the piezoelectric coefficient of films, sheet, disks, wafers and more.

Currently in final commercial development stage, our new Piezoelectric Meter incorporates an integral load cell, displacement transducer and charge amplifier, to create a very sensitive measurement device that provides a fast and accurate determination of the piezoelectric properties of piezoelectric materials.

This tool provides a measurement of the direct piezoelectric constant for a variety of piezo materials. It is based on our patented* technologies which enable fast and accurate measurement of d33 – a fundamental piezoelectric materials property.


Reliable, accurate method of measuring an important materials property of piezoelectrics, which indicates the piezo materials’ ability to sense forces and loads or to change shape as an actuator.

Who will benefit from this technology?

Ideal for companies developing new materials like lead-free compositions alongside high temperature piezoelectrics in applications for aerospace and automotive pressure sensors and transducers to in vibrational energy harvesting, smart actuation and sensing, acoustic underwater fish finders, oceanography and medical ultrasound where a reliable and accurate method of measuring the piezoelectric constants is required.

This tool adds to our Piezotest tool, by providing a direct measurement of the d33 coefficient of materials, measurements traditionally carried out using ‘Berlincourt’ methods that are better suited to larger ceramic discs and rods. Our tool can readily assess films, sheets, and soft – polymer and biological materials accurately and traceably.

The benefits

  • Accurate and reliable test data to support accelerated materials development
  • Reducing costs for materials and systems/structures development

  • Provides a traceable measurement of a materials coefficient

  • Micro mechanical testing tool also available providing stiffness and modulus data for the same sample

  • Access to Electrosciences tool kit and amplifier products to deliver full suite of electromechanical testing capabilities for your business

Advanced Materials Sciences

To find out more or request a specification sheet
please get in touch