Electrosciences Ltd has developed and implemented a quality management system, which uses ISO 9001:2015 as framework that allows our organization to document and improve our practices in order to better satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, stakeholders and interested parties.
This quality manual is used to familiarise our customers, interested parties, or individuals with the controls that have been implemented and to assure them that the integrity of our quality management system is maintained and is focused on meeting its intended outcomes.
The quality manual describes the structure of our quality management system, the sequence and interaction of our key processes, and delineates authorities, inter relationships and responsibilities of personnel who operate within the boundaries of the quality management system, with references to procedures, processes and activities that comprise it.
The Figure below illustrates our methodology for the development of our quality management system, using the “plan, do, check and act” process approach, to implement and deliver management system objectives, stakeholder requirements and customer satisfaction.

ISO9001 QMS Top Level System
Certification to the international standard ISO 9001:2015 will help achieve these intended outcomes and demonstrates that the quality management system is effective, provides value for Electrosciences Ltd and its interested parties. Our quality management system addresses and supports our wider strategies for the design, development, manufacturing, installation and service of our products.
Scope: Electrosciences Limited provides specialized scientific and technical consultancy to industry and academia in the technical discipline of multifunctional materials research and development.
We provide advanced materials research and development services for industry, academia and within consortia
Materials discovery through modelling, simulation, processing, and characterization. Electrosciences have extensive experience in computer modelling, simulation and visualization for real data.
We have an extensive range of materials testing facilities in house or within the laboratories of our strategic partners.
Quality Management Principles
Electrosciences Ltd has adopted and realizes the benefits of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management principles into our daily activities. The intent of the quality management principles is to provide a foundation to continually improve upon our performance.
Subsequent sections of this quality management system manual demonstrate our commitment to the following quality management principles:
1. Customer focus;
2. Leadership;
3. Engagement of our people;
4. Process approach;
5. Improvement;
6. Evidence‐based decision making;
7. Relationship management.
Electrosciences Quality Policy
Electrosciences Ltd will consistently provide products and services that meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers. We are committed to our Quality Management System and to all relevant and applicable regulatory requirements. We will actively pursue ever improving quality through programmes that enable each employee to do their job right the first time and every time.
Please contact us for more detailed information, or you can view our online ISO9001:2015 certification here: Our ISO9001 certificate.